In order to provide maximum service and protection of client and itself, PT. BMP Drill has complete legal documents required in order to operate in Indonesia and overseas. Legal documents not only Company legality, but also for equipment and man power.
Also, PT. BMP Drill has been a member of related associations both nationally and internationally.
Some of our legality document are:
- NIB (Nomor Induk Berusaha / Business Licence Number)
- IUP (Ijin Usaha Perdagangan / Trading Business License)
- IUJP (Ijin Usaha Jasa Pertambangan / Business Permit of Mining services)
- IUJK (Ijin usaha Jasa Konstruksi / Business Permit of Construction Services)
- SIPPAT(Surat Ijin Perusahaan Pemboran Air tanah / Business Licence of Water Well Drilling Company)
Some of our member associations are:
- ASPINDO (Asosiasi Jasa Pertambangan Indonesia / Indonesian Mining Service Association)
- APPATINDO (Asosiasi Perusahaan Pengeboran Air Tanah Indonesia / Indonesian Water Well Drilling Association)
- IMA (Indonesian Mining Association)
- AIDA (Australian Drilling Industry Association)